Thanks to versatile and modern CNC machinery and qualified staff with many years of work experience, we fulfill every single order in reliable and punctual way. We guarantee our clients comprehensive technology and construction consulting in the field of materials processing, machining parameters (including steel and welded aluminum constructions).
All services are performed using our own materials or provided to us by customers.
One of the most important part of our business is precise and esthetic metalworking. We want to be sure that you are satisfied with our services and, above all, with the quality and elegance of our products.
Our products and services are provided in the whole country for wholesale and retail customers. Our main strengths are precision, punctuality and many years of experience on the market.
Please contact us in order to prepare a project adapted to your needs. We will be more than happy to help.
Thanks to many years of experience, we offer our services in the field of:
- welding
- turning
- threading
- milling
- drilling
- laser cutting
These are our machines thanks to which we work every day to satisfy our clients:
HAAS SL-10 CNC lathe
HAAS ST-30 CNC lathe
HAAS TM-2 milling machine
TQL-LCY620-GC3015 laser